Personal Empowerment Mandalas

These mandalas depict the energy of a person in such a manner that it enhances the bond between that person and the Universe. This makes the Personal Empowerment Mandalas a very special point of focus for, for instance a meditation...
But they can also be used in your letter head, on business cards ~ or you can just frame it and enjoy the energy art as is!

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Mandalas for Events

Anne Claire also creates mandalas for events. The resulting mandala will then depict the theme of that event...View the Mandalas...

Mandalas of Earth Energies

This series of mandalas show the energies of sacred spaces. These are the fundamental energies of the elements and the directions. I have also created mandalas of the energies of the steps of the process of manifestation, and the aspects of the solutions or answers that can be found when visiting sacred spaces.
These mandalas are also the illustrations in the following books:
'The Universal Energies of Sacred Spaces' by Sam Holland and Anne Claire Venemans and 'Universal Divination' by Sam Holland.

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Mandalas of specific energies

These mandalas express each specific energy such that its beneficial quality is brought into the world, your environment ~ or even into you!View the Mandalas...

Mandalas of the energy of the seasons

These mandalas depict the energies of the seasons; Winter's introspection, Spring's activity, Summer's nourishment, and Fall's harvest...

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