Life Path Signets
as created by the seraphim Temier, bring balance and new potential on your path through life...

Now there is a way you can carry your personal Life Path Signet with you as a beautiful silver and golden pendant on which your unique Life Path Signet will be engraved...
Here is an example going from the Life Path Signet Temier has given, the drawing I make of the animals and symbols, the engraved sterling silver signet ~ to the ultimate pendant.

The size of the pendant will be about 32 mm across ~ about the size of a U.S. half dollar coin...
The price for a 'Signet Pendant' made out of sterling silver with a 14K yellow golden band around it is € 185,00 or the equivalent in U.S. Dollars. This does not include the cost of the Life Path Signet itself with the explanation that Temier provides.
Payments can easily be made, either in €€ or in $$ through PayPal. PayPal also accepts all major creditcards.

Customized Jewelry
incorporating your Life Path Signet

Of course it is possible to customize your LIfe Path Signet jewelry... Different metals can be used such as white gold or yellow gold. It is also possible to choose a stone that will help express the energies of your Life Path Signet to be set on the other side of the pendant.
Just send me an email and I will be happy to send you a quote for this or any other piece of personalized jewelry!